

Out of all the cell phones I had to own. Why does it have to be one of the few Blackberries the TypePad app won't work with?
I am so disappointed. It would have been great to be able to get on here at lunch with my phone since they blocked TypePad.com at the office.  That's why I shut the old blog down since I couldn't get on here anymore during the week. I don't see what's wrong with tooling around on the internet on my lunch break????They blocked everything…even Ning.  😦

On a happy note though check out my Little Folks.



Special Delivery


First of all I just noticed I have a Christmas theme still on here, and it's still in my 365 format. I plan on changing this Sunday to make things look like a normal blog again. The candy canes have got to go….

Other than blog problems I got a wonderful surprise in my mailbox today from Trish.

She sends the nicest packages ever. You don't even want to open them because the packaging is so cute.


I forced myself to rip open the adorable little parcels though and found a whole loot of surprises.

Adorable little paper forest creatures


I can't wait to add them to my mixed media projects I have coming up.

   She also put a stack of pajama squares that were left over from her PJ quilt inside.

I love how her quilt came out and decided to create my own. Unfortunately she has been collecting pajama pants for 20 years and I have just started so I don't really have enough pieces yet. The squares she sent will be a great start to my stash though.

 She send some more goodies but I haven't taken pictures of them yet so I'll post them later this week. One being the cutest bag ever!

I love mail!



Check him out. 


Farewell 365

If it wasn't apparent, I have abandoned my 365 project….again. I always fade out mid January and finally realize why. During December when I have many days off and not much going on I have these grand visions of how I will do 365 the next year. Then the first couple weeks of January roll around and I do pretty good.However, about the 3rd week I am tired. Getting back into the whole 5 day work week is exhausting. Then toting children to and from school, homework, etc, I find myself taking random photos that have no meaning. It's 9:00 I am in bed, and realize I haven't taken a picture today. What do I do? Pull a photo out of my phone I sent to someone earlier. Something insignificant. So with this realization I bid farewell to Project 365. I honestly can say I will never attempt it again. I love photography, but when it's forced it loses the fun for me.

I think I will continue this blog though. I will be rearranging and probably turning it into my main one. as much as I enjoyed my Staci's Notebook blog it's time to move on to other projects. 🙂

I'll be setting this up this weekend and ready to start my new blogging adventure Monday. Still filled with photos and crafty bits. A little more personal though. I missed that in my old blog.


There has been some sewing here lately. Granted an old sewing machine was used on a tiny little night stand, but something wonderful has come out of it.


I used a Woodland Delight charm pack and some white webbing for the strap. It was a simple project but I loved how it turned out. Plus it felt good to sew again since it's been so long. I definitely want to purchase more Woodland Delight fabric but refuse to purchase anything else until we move. Our storage is at max capacity now.


Kody Creates

Kody created his own Converse shoes online and they finally arrived.


I think he did a great job picking out the colors and patterns. He also had his name embroidered on the sides. I am glad some crafty genes were passed down to him.

Kody 's Design

Moments like these help me realize that even though I do not have girls I can still do creative projects with my kids.

Wash & Sew


I love this wonderful kit from Anthropology. It has little soaps in the shape of buttons and a mini sewing kit inside. I will probably be using the sewing kit seeing as how I can't wind the bobbin on the Kenmore. 




Painting is done in the house. If they could just get our shower in that we've been waiting on for two months.


My family and I moved into my parents house in November. Our house being built was supposed to be done by Christmas and we wanted to sell our old place in the meantime. Well we sold our old place but unfortunately the new house still isn't done. I've been without my sewing machine & art supplies for two months now and I finally broke down and decided to change that tonight. I went into my parents basement and found the Kenmore and plugged it in. The Kenmore isn't my favorite machine but it's the only one not buried in all our moving boxes so it will have to do. Besides, it's not a horrid machine like the Singer is. I hate using that one. I honestly don't even know why I still have it.


Please don't laugh. The machine is bigger than the table it rests on. I sit on the edge of the bed for the chair. It's pretty sad. But it still gets the job done!

Here is my patchwork bag in progress. If I can find a lining piece I'll finish it up Saturday.

1st project of the year

Sewing those 18 charm squares together made my day.

Dirt Cups


You know what these are…you put pudding and cool whip in a little pot, sprinkle crushed oreos on top. Then stick gummy worms inside. Have a plastic flower/plant in it makes it even better. 🙂


Kids love it. See below