
Posts Tagged ‘mixed media’


Don't you just love finding treasures like this on your doorstep?
My copy of Sew Sunny Homestyle by Tilda arrived today and I couldn't be more excited. I honestly think this is the best Tone Finnanger book as of yet. There are so
many different projects inside such as bags, baskets, angels, a sewing
kit, slippers, pillows, loads of plush creatures (even a plush
sandcastle and shell), I could go on and on. The photography is
beautiful and inspiring and the project instructions even have images
of the steps in case you get stuck on something. I would definitely
recommend this book to anyone that loves sewing/crafting.

Here are a few of the projects inside. Sorry for the funky quality of these photos. My camera wasn't cooperating.







And here are a couple photos that I thought were inspiring

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I haven't been sewing much lately. My fabric is in boxes and piles everywhere and is becoming to hard to find the prints I need for a project. I just don't have time for it these days. They haven't done anything on our house in over a week now which is upsetting. I was really hoping to be moved by the end of the year so I can set up my new studio.
My creative space now is on the floor using a box I store all my painting supplies as a desk. I have joined the cutest mixed media class by Suzi Blu. It's a completely different type of craft for me but I have been enjoying it so far and it's been taking my mind off of all the stress around here lately.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I may not be back again until the weekend. 🙂

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