
Posts Tagged ‘new blog’

Why Hello There

As most of you may know I have a hard time sticking to a blog. I have been on every blog out there possibly even having more than one account on them. I am going to give Typepad a try though and luckily for me my name was still available for the url. *happy dance*

I think that is my problem. I get sick of those little cutesy virtual names. Like my "A Craft Life" blog. I loved blogging about my crafts but lately I haven't had time to craft. So most entries ended up being more about me and my life. The way it used to be before I got back into sewing (which was only a couple years ago might I add). So here I am. Re debuting myself out into blogger land. I guess I will put a link up on my wordpress blog I bailed on. I initially liked that blog…a lot. It was how I designed things. Anyone can make a zip pouch or a doll dress. It's all the special trimming and extras you do to make it original and unique. However, after a few months, for some reason it started reminding me of the hairdressers, and trimming hair and things of that nature. It started to gross me out…maybe it's just me…..yeah it probably was. 


Anyway lift your drink up for a toast. Here's to a new blog. Also new fabric that will be seen in some of the upcoming posts.

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