
Posts Tagged ‘pincushion tutorial’

This isn't really rocket science but it's for a friend who just started sewing and I figured this is a simple little pincushion that looks lovely on a sewing desk.

All you need is a scrap of fabric, an egg cup (try thrift or kitchen stores), hot glue gun (or gorilla glue), and needle and thread.

First turn your egg cup upside down and draw a circle about an inch further out around the opening.


After cutting the circle out sew around the edges and cinch it.


Make sure there are good knots on the ends so when you stuff it the thread won't break.


After you fill the little ball with cotton put some glue inside the egg cup and around the bottom of the ball (around where your thread line is).

Then set the ball inside the egg cup and let the glue dry before inserting pins.


You can add ribbon around the bottom to make it spiffy or just let it be as is. I like mine plain personally, however, occasionally I do add little crystals around the top edge.  🙂

*Imported from old blog so sorry for the crap photos*

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