
Posts Tagged ‘alicia paulson’

  My latest craft book acquisition did not disappoint. I fought the holiday crowd at Barnes & Noble to get the book I ordered well over a week ago. The book was Sitched in Time by Alicia Paulson and is right up there with the Sew Pretty Homestyle books in my opinion. There are so many projects I want to do. Here are a few photos of the pages.




These next two are my favorites projects I would like to do before the end of the year.



If time permits I will be doing the matching game project this weekend. I think it would be entertaining for the kids on the airplane trip to FL coming up. The only thing I don't like about the book is that some of the projects are using that fabric paper you put in the printer to print out images. Unfortunantely my printer is old and can't handle the thickness so I am unable to do those projects. 😦 That isn't the books fault though so I can't hold it against it.

I have gotten behind on some things this week with work, the upcoming holiday, and I haven't been feeling so well. I have lots of packages to get out in the mail and will get those dropped off Saturday. So for those of you expecting something from me consider it on the way after this weekend. That includes presents, giveaways, orders, etc.
Also I will be getting a giveaway ready this weekend as well. I can't decide when I want to post it though. I didn't want it to be over the holiday since people are so busy and I will be gone too so I was thinking maybe the middle of next week.
Hmm..I'll have to think about it….

I'll leave you with one of my failed new banner images.   I worked for hours on trying to get a new header photo for this blog but never was satisfied with the outcomes.


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