
Posts Tagged ‘book review’


I shouldn't have this book right now because I shouldn't have taken a lunch break at work today.
I couldn't stand it there anymore though and needed a bookstore trip to keep me from flinging myself out the window. So to Barnes & Noble I went.

I was going to get Where Women Create but as expected they were sold out. Luckily even though the store is half empty because it's moving locations the craft book area was packed with new books. I immediately grabbed Sew Darn Cute because look at it. It's adorable and I needed something happy to cheer me up.

Here are a few photos of the projects I want to do first.


I love this tote bag but need a yo yo maker. I know I could make yo yo's by hand but honestly do not see me having the time right now to do that. Isn't it cute though??


Eyeglass case that I want.




That little canister might be the first thing I make though. I could use it as a pen holder at work since I don't knit.

Too many projects and too little time to do them all in.  🙂

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