
Posts Tagged ‘craft book’

Sorry dial-up peeps. 😦
I'll make the photos small so hopefully it will help. The fabric giveaway is still on so you have the rest of tonight and tomorrow to comment. I just figured since I have time today I would do a post about one of my new Japanese craft books. It's Tiny Patchworks 2 and I love it.


I didn't even notice the 2 on the cover until I got it so I am a little upset that I didn't get the first one. Not that I know what it's about but if I liked this one so much I probably would want it. The next few photos are pictures out of the book. All the projects are on the pattern sheet. They are sized right so you don't have to enlarge but they overlap so you still have to make copies.








I'll also upload some more here tonight. I can't read Japanese but every Japanese craft book I have has pictures of each step for every project. Sometimes they are easier to follow than English craft books.



I am starting to regret getting so many books at one time though. I have a long list of things I want to start on and I can't decide what to do first.
I think I may do the mushroom keychain though this weekend. It's small and was one of the projects that pushed me toward getting this book.

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Sew Pretty Homestyle

HA! As if the Christmas book wasn't enough I found the original in Stitch in Time and had to go for it. Those angels will be sewn before the end of the year…at least that's my plan anyway.
Here are some images out of it for those potentially purchasing.


I love the little bags and the kitty too.



Cute pouches.



Adorable little angels



Lovely quilt


This is probably one of my favorite nonproject picture out of the book. I will keep it forever because when I move this is what I want my future studio to look like. Isn't it wonderful??


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So here is the latest addition to my insanely huge (and still growing) craft book collection. I'll make the pictures smaller to help with loading time. It's called Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle and has over 35 projects in it.


Here are some of the photos of projects inside.

+Cute Bag+


+Cute Mini Boot+


+Stockings & Nesting dolls+


+and my FAVORITES+
The little pixie girl and angels



  Other patterns are muffins, fabric cones, hat stands, a blanket poncho, an apron, slippers, angel wings, and so much more. It's a great sewing book and the pictures are lovely and PINK. 🙂
  I must admit I first picked up Anna Maria's Seams To Me but after browsing the pages I decided I probably wouldn't really use many projects out of it. I mean don't get me wrong it was a beautiful book but the only project I really felt like I would get right on and make was the little pincushion caddy thing. I will probably still at one point get it but Christmas Homestyle just had more projects I could see myself starting on in the next couple weeks. I got mine at Barnes and Noble. They have it on Amazon though.

Oh and since I seem to be in the Christmas spirit.. guess what I just ordered???  THIS!!


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Here are some images out of a book from my first order on Amazon.co.jp.






I had no idea what the name of this book is but that it is from the Heart Warming Life Series and has the most cutest patchwork projects ever. I am not really a fan of the whole country theme. I like bright colors and pink.  🙂 It's mainly the ideas though that I love and am assured the projects will turn out just as good with vibrant patterns.



If you have seen this before you are not losing your mind. I imported
this from my old blog because I love my Japanese craft books and want
the entries about them in my new home.

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The New Handmade book is on sale now and looks like it might be really good. Lots of cute useful projects. Here are a few pictures from the Martingale & Company magazine I receive that showcases new craft books out now. I am pretty sure if you look around their website you can sign up to get a free catalog as well. Anyway here are some photos from the book that enticed me to want it.






This little book will most definitely be joining the others on my bookshelf soon.  🙂

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This Japanese sewing book has some really good projects in it. I got mine from Amazon.co.jp.
I usually get my Japanese craft books from there in a bundle of 3 or 4 books. I know Yes Asia is where most people buy them from but I find it hard navigating through there. I am not sure on Yes Asia's shipping fees but Amazon's are really pricey. That's why I usually get a few at a time and it's usually only once a year. Sometimes I get lucky though and will find one I want on Superbuzzy or Kitty-Craft and can add it to my fabric order.
Anyway here are some more images from the book. Lots of cute useful projects.








ISBN is 4529041107

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So after my unpleasant day yesterday I was feeling a bit down this morning. I decided I was going to Barnes and Noble to get a new sewing magazine. Unfortunately as I was browsing they were sold out of the one I wanted and all the others were the ones I already had. I hate how the magazines I like are seasonal as opposed to every month. I decided then and there I was not about to leave that store without something. I wandered over the the craft book section thinking and hoping there may be something different that I would possibly like to own. My creative senses honed in right on this adorably cute little sewing book that had the sweetest image of a squirrel tea cozy on the front. Then I saw Zakka and Japanese typed on the front. Could it be? Barnes and Noble started carrying Japanese craft books? No way would that be possible in my life time. So I grabbed it and opened it up to investigate. Much to my excitement and delight, it was in ENGLISH. I immediately put that one back and grabbed one of the books in the back. I always do that because I like fresh books that grubby paws haven't been paging through…possibly drooling on…then I sprinted up to the front. The cashier rung me up. I tried using my moms B&N card but it had expired. That was okay though because it will be worth that 10% more I thought. She handed me the receipt and I rushed out the door without a bag. Here are just a few of the projects in the book. I will more than likely be making some of them this weekend. YAY. I feel my creative spirit coming back.  🙂




Here is some of the information for those of you that do not live near a Barnes & Noble and would like this book. It's ISBN's are:

  • ISBN1584797207
  • ISBN978-1584797203

It can be purchased on Amazon too if you cant find it at your local bookstore. 🙂

Now I need to go read what I need for my first project this weekend.

 (Why are there always two ISBN #'s. I don't get it.)

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  I am not positive that is the name of the book as I do not speak/read Japanese. It was listed on Superbuzzy as Patchwork Houses though so that is what I call it. It has all sorts of cute little patterns to make patchwork potholders, baskets, and more. It's a small book and was only 6 bucks but with all the ideas inside I am really glad I got it. Here are some other images from the book if you are thinking about purchasing it.



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