
Posts Tagged ‘handbag’

There has been some sewing here lately. Granted an old sewing machine was used on a tiny little night stand, but something wonderful has come out of it.


I used a Woodland Delight charm pack and some white webbing for the strap. It was a simple project but I loved how it turned out. Plus it felt good to sew again since it's been so long. I definitely want to purchase more Woodland Delight fabric but refuse to purchase anything else until we move. Our storage is at max capacity now.


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I am in love with sewing little patchwork bags from the Sew Sunny Homestyle pattern.
They are quick yet turn out so cute. Of course I am drawn to anything patchwork so it would be hard for me not to like it.

On this one I used Bari J's "Full Bloom" line.





I think this print was perfect for the handle with the little vines climbing up.


Things have been so busy with the house and kids in school  that it's hard for me to get enough time for blogging. I am still sewing though and hope to be able to join the wonky cabin quilt a long taking place now.
I practiced on some scraps this weekend and think I can manage the bigger block sizes now….I think….


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I think I am coming out of my creative slump. I finished the Flea Market Fancy party bag for a friend in no time then proceeded to other projects. I really like how this one came out. I may add a little flower brooch or something to the front. Just to spice it up a bit.


It's completely Flea Market Fancy. Even the inside.


I really hope she likes it.

I didn't stop there though and decided to make another bag for me using some Floragraphix prints I had for awhile.
I broke out the D-rings that I never seem to use and really like the look of it.


I still need a snap though for the closure. I got a pack of them the other day but it was apparently a defective one because I was missing all of one of the pieces. 


Not sure what I will do next. I love making bags and all but after two in one day I feel like I need to do something else. Perhaps some patchwork projects.  🙂


(Top bag pattern from Sew Sunny Homestyle, Bottom bag pattern from Artsy Crafty Babe)

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New Japanese craft/sewing book


 I know I said the last book was my favorite of this book order but this one is now that I have opened it.
It's filled with the prettiest/cutest bags ever! Here are some of the photos of the projects inside. I will start with the bag I will be making as soon as I possibly can.


I don't know what it is about it but I absolutely love it. I hope I can figure out how to make it. Maybe next weekend….








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Handbag For Fall

This post was supposed to be about a cute little felt cake I made but that cake turned out horrible since I can't work with felt so I decided I would talk about my other (mis)adventure in the craft room. I was browsing through some magazines and craft books in search of a new project when I saw a simple quick clutch tutorial in an old sewing magazine.  It was adorable, and I wanted a little clutch for school for just keys and pencils so I wouldn't have to drag my huge tote in. It started out bad because instead of one piece of fabric folded for the front AND back of the clutch I cut two pieces thinking I needed to sew them together. So before the first stitch was made the clutch was already disproportionate. Then even after sewing the pieces together and boxing the corners it was huge…well huge enough it needed handles. At this point I had to figure out how to put handles on this "clutch" and then a band to go around the whole thing. I guess I improvised as best as I could and will probably use it next week until I can get a clutch made. There is a patch on the inside that my needle broke in the middle of stitching the band on and it's too messed up looking to give away or sell.
Ah well, at least I got something new to tote around for awhile…


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