
Posts Tagged ‘japanese craft book’


This Japanese sewing book has some really good projects in it. I got mine from Amazon.co.jp.
I usually get my Japanese craft books from there in a bundle of 3 or 4 books. I know Yes Asia is where most people buy them from but I find it hard navigating through there. I am not sure on Yes Asia's shipping fees but Amazon's are really pricey. That's why I usually get a few at a time and it's usually only once a year. Sometimes I get lucky though and will find one I want on Superbuzzy or Kitty-Craft and can add it to my fabric order.
Anyway here are some more images from the book. Lots of cute useful projects.








ISBN is 4529041107

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You know how a lot of people out in blog-land have special days of the week where they have a specific subject they blog about. Such as "Thankful Thursdays" where every Thursday they will talk about what they are thankful for and things of that nature? I was debating doing a "Sewing Saturday" but then realized next weekend I will be in Atlanta so that would be lame for me to start that and then screw it up on the second week. So I may do that AFTER the Atlanta trip. It will help motivate me to get items in my shop anyway since I will most likely be broke upon my return. Anyways, today's sewing adventures revolved around JB's birthday present. I made her that cute little basket from the Zakka Sewing book and an apron out of Pod Posey. I can't display the apron on here but the basket isn't a big deal so I didn't mind putting that up. I am sending her that little deer lavender sachet but NOT the vintage handkerchief's. Those are mostly from the thrift shops in Waynesville and I am holding on very tightly to them. I can't decide what to make with them but I am not going to use them until I find the "right" project.  Some people like to collect vintage hankies and just put them in a drawer to have. As much as a hoarder that I am I really do like using things for a purpose other than dust collecting. I just don't want to use something unless I am 100% sure that is what it needs to be.  So after I mail out JB's package I will have to make another basket for me because I really like how the little hankies look folded up in it. Once Melissa Averinos "Sugar Snap"
comes out I am going to make another one out of that. I keep
searching online desperate for a seller but there must have been some
delay because I come up with NOTHING. You can see pictures of it in her
blog post here.
Honestly. I have about 20 different projects I have had to think about
for months…I really need to get that fabric and put those thoughts
into action. Tomorrow I have another project from the Zakka Sewing book lined up and  then possibly another pencil case which I will take pics of the steps for the lovely gal that emailed me asking how I did it. I am sure there is a website online that has how to do it already but I haven't had time to look. Basically it's just a zip pouch with grommets but it's okay. I don't mind taking pictures of something I am making 🙂

Off to clean up the mess I have made. Linen is everywhere.

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So after my unpleasant day yesterday I was feeling a bit down this morning. I decided I was going to Barnes and Noble to get a new sewing magazine. Unfortunately as I was browsing they were sold out of the one I wanted and all the others were the ones I already had. I hate how the magazines I like are seasonal as opposed to every month. I decided then and there I was not about to leave that store without something. I wandered over the the craft book section thinking and hoping there may be something different that I would possibly like to own. My creative senses honed in right on this adorably cute little sewing book that had the sweetest image of a squirrel tea cozy on the front. Then I saw Zakka and Japanese typed on the front. Could it be? Barnes and Noble started carrying Japanese craft books? No way would that be possible in my life time. So I grabbed it and opened it up to investigate. Much to my excitement and delight, it was in ENGLISH. I immediately put that one back and grabbed one of the books in the back. I always do that because I like fresh books that grubby paws haven't been paging through…possibly drooling on…then I sprinted up to the front. The cashier rung me up. I tried using my moms B&N card but it had expired. That was okay though because it will be worth that 10% more I thought. She handed me the receipt and I rushed out the door without a bag. Here are just a few of the projects in the book. I will more than likely be making some of them this weekend. YAY. I feel my creative spirit coming back.  🙂




Here is some of the information for those of you that do not live near a Barnes & Noble and would like this book. It's ISBN's are:

  • ISBN1584797207
  • ISBN978-1584797203

It can be purchased on Amazon too if you cant find it at your local bookstore. 🙂

Now I need to go read what I need for my first project this weekend.

 (Why are there always two ISBN #'s. I don't get it.)

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  I am not positive that is the name of the book as I do not speak/read Japanese. It was listed on Superbuzzy as Patchwork Houses though so that is what I call it. It has all sorts of cute little patterns to make patchwork potholders, baskets, and more. It's a small book and was only 6 bucks but with all the ideas inside I am really glad I got it. Here are some other images from the book if you are thinking about purchasing it.



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