
Posts Tagged ‘quilted’


Ta-daaa. Here is one of my favorite Japanese craft books I got the other day. I don't know what the name of it is but it's filled with patchwork projects. Even a cute little hexagon bag. I can't decide what to make first but I need to figure it out and get started on it so I can open up the next book.

Here are a few photos of some of the projects inside.








Unfortunantely I have to work tomorrow. I guess I can think about what I will make though during the day and then get into it when I get home. I may make those kitchen items on the book cover (first photo) with my Lizzy Dish fabric. It will go along with my Sunday Stash.

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Afternoon/evening friends. I can't believe how much went on this weekend. First of all my Good Folks fabric is already almost used up. I have made a bag and chopped up the rest of it for the Disappearing 9 patch quilt on my list.


I had to make a new set of coasters because Chris packed up every
single one of ours and they are in storage. I used Urban Couture charm
squares by Basic Grey. As much as I love Good Folks I think I need a
little break from it before I make myself hate it. 🙂


To cap off the weekend I went to the mailbox and low and behold my little bag I won off The Darling Tree had arrived. Isn't it adorable?? I love the creative blog community.


I think I used to have that fabric but I haven't been able to find it. Maybe I just wanted it but never actually purchased it. Of course who knows what I have in storage. I just want to move already and set up my new sewing room. I only have my little cart filled with my Japanese fabric, charm packs, and recent purchases to sew with.

I guess it's back to my quilt now. Hope everyone has a good week since I'll be gone again until Friday.  I will be accessible through email though if you miss me. Hahaha

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