
Posts Tagged ‘zip pouch’

Hey everyone! First just wanted to say thanks to everyone that visited my Halloween party and left comments. Some of them had me laughing out loud. 🙂 Typepad for some reason isn't emailing me my comments so I will get back to everyone as soon as I can get that fixed.

It's back to the usual pink fabric projects here now.
My orange and black photos will  go into hiding until next year.


This pouch was borderline torture to create.
I love the looks of the curved tops in Sew Sunny Homestyle but for some reason I could not get the zipper ends to match up when sewing the sides together.

The bad thing about this is that I have a bunch more already cut out and I'm not sure what I am going to do with those pieces. I really am not inclined to actually make another one of these pouches anytime in the near future but don't want to leave this lovely fabric sitting around.

I  may just cut them into small pieces for something patchwork


I'll have to think about it while I am taking art classes, and trying to learn more about my camera.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have so many hobbies , there isn't enough time in a day to do it all.

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Welcome to the tea party!


We had to move indoors because of the rain which was okay, it just made photographing things difficult.


Still, there were lots of sugary treats to feast on


Plus plenty of tea of drink



 Sugar (in a lovely shade of pink).


   "  Let there be cake!"


Now here is where the "mad" came into my party


These two came inside from painting a nightstand for some teacakes.


The only thing left was an Alice in Wonderland "Mad Tea Party" cosmetic bag.

Leave a comment and in two weeks (July 11th) I'll choose a winner.



Thank you for visiting.



To visit other tea parties, stop by Vanessa's and check out all the links on her sidebar.


Now I have some dishes to tend to. Then I will see what everyone else did for their parties and check my Bloglines. I am sure it's filled with plenty of posts since I haven't been in there all week.

See you soon!



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You know those works in progress you have that lay around the sewing room for weeks or even months? I have so many of them from the start of this year that I finally decided to spend a day finishing them all.

Well at least some of them anyway.

First project completed was the K-Cup basket.  I have those little cups everywhere and it's nice to have them stored in a cute little basket by my coffee machine. I know K-Cups are horrible for the environment but it's more practical for me since I am the only one that drinks hot beverages (tea,coffee,cocoa) in my family. Maybe one day they will start making them from recycled materials.


The other project I finally finished was my moms little coffee mat.

She was using this horrid store bought potholder to set her sugar and other condiments on while she brewed tea or coffee. I had to do something about it.

I used some basic yet pretty black lace fabric since her kitchen is a black/red combo. I really wish I had my important supplies with me. It was really hard doing this without pins and my ruler.


The little red circle is actually from a vintage yo-yo.

If you ever happen across a bag of vintage yo-yo's take a close look of what fabric is used. If it's a really cute small print I would unfold it and iron it. Makes for a wonderful applique on projects that's unique.


Since I was at my moms making this stuff I decided to finish the hexy zip pouch that had been sitting there for the past two weeks.


I really do love hexagons and have been using scraps to make some more. I may actually have enough to make a hexagon quilt soon. I am a little intimidated by the thought though since hand-sewing is the best way to go with hexagons. It takes long enough for me to finish a quilt by machine piecing, I can't imaging hand sewing most of it. *shudder*

The last project I completed this weekend was a little clutch using this pattern


The fabric in the kit changed. It was actually Midwest Modern when I purchased it. Even though I love Midwest Modern I used my own fabric from Jennifer Paganelli's Dance With Me line.

I  still have to pick the glue off of the inside of the frame. I really made a mess, but will show the inside lining anyway.


I am really excited with how the clutch came out and am glad I bought a few extra purse frames

I think I need to find a wholesale dealer though since they are so expensive everywhere I usually shop.

That pretty much wraps up my WIP weekend.   I have two quilts and a wall hanging left that I will tackle next week. It's great to be back at the sewing machine.



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Wow it's been a week since my last post. I knew it had to have been awhile when I turned on the computer this morning to download all the pictures from my camera and there were over 40 of them. Usually I do that every other day so the most is 10. Sadly for being away all week nothing exciting happened. The title sums it up. So prepare for random bits.

It snowed twice this week so I can tell my pictures are going to have a lot of editing done to them to make them decent in the next couple months. It's been cloudy all week and I can't get a decent photo of anything. I took about 20 shots of my Alice in Wonderland pouch and finally settled on this one.


I am glad how it came out and may do some more next weekend with the left overs. It makes only a small dent in the projects I have lined up before Christmas. I was hoping with the four days off next week I would get some things done but then realized I will be busy with family and most likely won't get anything accomplished.

I just want my Japanese craft books to get here before the Thanksgiving
holiday. They left Dallas, TX yesterday and that's the last activity I
have seen on the tracking number.*sigh* I have been actually working my full 40 hour weeks so I can save up for my new camera. I technically should not have purchased all those books because I would be closer to my camera but I am still hoping for a Christmas bonus then hopefully that combined with any Christmas money may get me my precious camera.

Until then I am subjected to this place all week trying to make some extra cash so I can get it.



I think it looks kind of creepy with the lomo effect to it. Anyways that's my week in a nutshell. It won't be that long again until my next post because I will hopefully be doing a fabric giveaway on Thanksgiving.
It will go up on the evening of the 26th and end on Saturday. I won't say what fabric but it will be 2 fat quarters of a certain collection revealed when I make the post.

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So I finished my little patchwork pouch I started Thursday.


   As excited as I am about it and want to put it up on Etsy, I am going
to save it for awhile and build up a stash for my shop here. Etsy is
great and all but I enjoyed having my own online shop more, and think I
will revert back to it. Sure I won't get as much exposure but that's
okay. I am not making a living off my items so I don't mind. I will still use Etsy for my fabric left overs and all that other stuff anyway.

  Today was actually a pretty decent day. Usually the boys are screaming and fighting all weekend among breaking things and trashing the house but they actually got along most of the time. It took awhile to get Christian to take a nap but the second he finally fell asleep I threw Peter Pan in the dvd player for Kody and fled to the sewing machine. Luckily I had projects already cut out so it went smoothly. After completing the zip pouch and chatting with people on Flickr, I took a picture of Christian sleeping because he looked so cozy wrapped in his little quilt. Unfortunanlty though I forgot how weird my camera is with the dog barking noises it makes when you take a picture, so Christian woke up and sewing was over.

Please note the giraffe is still with him at all times.



So I found my next project along with some interesting new fabric since I was back on the living room computer while the kids ate dinner. I am going to start a new quilt since I really liked how Christian's came out and I am ready to do something different. Bags and zip pouches are fun, quick, and cute but I get bored easily and my A.D.D. kicks in so I need something new and different. There is still a few projects out of the Zakka Sewing book I want to do, but there is more work involved in them than I can do with the kids.
 I found this little tutorial while browsing photos and it didn't seem too dificult and the outcome looks really nice so I am probably going to start cutting the pieces out tomorrow. 🙂 I WILL have a new quilt before it starts snowing this year. That is my goal. Right before I came on here to type about this new project and go to bed I stumbled upon some interesting new fabric out there in the textile world. I have yet to find a website that carries it but I think it's new since it's next to Sugar Snap and that isn't out yet. I'll try searching for it in another week or two. Now the spider images will be covered or cut out if I do eventually find this collection. I love the dark background with the little cicada thingy the best. Of course they are all pretty. It's called Prairie Gothic by Jane Sassaman. Good stuff.


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Shinzi Katoh Bags

Here is a sneak peek at the Shinzi Katoh makeup bags. Now they could be used for items other than makeup just to clarify. I particularly like the Alice in Wonderland bag myself. That has always been one of my favorite movies though so I may be biased. I will probably be doing some more of the Merry Merry one as well since a lot of people really seemed to like that one. On other unrelated topics my mother is in town so naturally creating and blogging will slow down a bit. Plus on top of that my chemistry class starts next Tuesday. I am not sure if I am ready for chemistry. Nursing isn't too tough…chemistry though…..

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